Let’s be honest.
Industry folks don’t have a ton of time to look at every actor’s website.
And why would we expect them to invest in a product when the marketing is unclear?
When your materials are muddied by digital clutter?
If a casting director, agent or manager can’t easily navigate your acting website or understand who you are the moment the click on that homepage, you’ve already wasted precious time that that industry professional doesn’t have. Chances are, they’ll move right long. THAT can be so easily avoided!
Working with me, we’ll make sure you are understood RIGHT AWAY. When I created AMWD as an actor, I wanted to showcase actors in their best, most marketable lights. As a fellow actor/industry professional of 18+ years with a background in digital media and design, I know how to virtually market your materials and give you the digital interface that will sell you in seconds. You’ve put in the work to pay for and gather amazing materials, so don’t let them go to waste on a bad website.
Let AMWD make you the website that YOU deserve for the actor that YOU are.
I can’t wait to see you book.
Note: This is a special price specifically tailored to the layout of actor sites. For all other websites, please contact me for a custom quote.
Payment Plans are available upon request. Only deposit needed to get started.